At last I have my Korean Sea Monkeys!

Notice the use of official Sea Monkey graphics. No, these are not manufactured my Transcience. They do sell real Sea Monkeys in Korea.

You can only buy these particular Sea Monkeys on eBay.

Here’s the back of the box.

I can’t understand a word of the directions. Except (Best Educational Toy).

Here are the directions that were in the box. They might have been useful if I knew Korean.

They have a website! I tried to translate it with Google, but all the text is in images, so it didn’t work. This almost makes me think that perhaps they are somehow affiliated with the real Sea Monkeys, but I doubt it.

Packet 1 and 2 are combined. I think the packaging is cute.

The tank is half the size of a normal sea monkey tank. Very cute though.

The powder turned into weird slime when I put it in. Also, compared to the amount of powder I put into the other  tanks, it was a lot. I almost thought that perhaps they put in the wrong size tank and it wasn’t going to work because of incorrect salinity.

Here’s the set up tank, with tools.

The proportions of the powder were obviously correct, as there are babies.

But, do you notice the wispy white stuff near the bottom of the tank? You know how when you put oil or soap in water and they don’t mix? That what it looks like. It’s kind of creepy.

Overall, I would not recommend buying this kit. It’s definitely worse than the the American and Chinese Sea Monkey kits.